Living in New Zealand without my family members because of the pandemic that has been affecting what I have done in my life. I made work – Let them be – as my personal record which commenced the first day of the Delta outbreak in New Zealand 2021. The record was ceased, although it seems to be a continuous event until the pandemic ends.
There are two pieces of photographs, W60 x H80 cm & W60 x 120cm, are displayed at Masaki Memorial Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. The work reveals the relentless mind of mine in Lockdown in New Zeland with some information of the pandemic what happens then. The smaller photo represents my imagery world existing in my head. On the other hand, the larger one articulates what I have been thinking of my daily life connecting to the pandemic.

The two photographs are installed on the tatami floor at Masaki Memorial Gallery with putting gravels on each work. The gravels are gathered around the venue to indicate the work are site-specific. I want to make my work a part of the materials at the venue.
All photos here by Kiyohito Mikami